Not Only KYC but KYE: Use AI to Understand Your Employees

September 11 attacks kicked off the financial institution’s KYC (Know your Customer) strict supervision on projects to avoid illegal funding for terrorist activities.

The increasing number of money laundering cases in recent years also requires KYC checks, many fraud cases have pointed the finger at financial institutions itself, internal fraud is hard to prevent. Therefore, innovative management and advanced information technology should be introduced into the KYE (Know Your Employee) and KYP (Know Your Partner) processes that came into being. Effectively perform regular internal background checks, evaluations, and audits to prevent smart employees and partners from committing crimes.

Now, you can use AI to understand your employees. Let us discuss the evolution of AI and the application of machine learning.

We will also analyze the fraud cases in domestic bank in recent years. At the end of the seminar, the status of ezAcquire and future R&D goals will be reported.

Event Information

 Date:6-7 November 2020 (Friday to Saturday)
 Location:HOTEL COZZI Blu (No. 101 Chunde Rd, Zhongli Dist. , Taoyuan City